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5 Instances When an Oral Surgery Procedure Is Necessary

by Youth Dental

instances when an oral surgery procedure is necessary

If a Dentist cannot fix your dental issue non-invasively, they may opt to perform oral surgery. Unfortunately, oral surgery sounds intimidating to most dental patients, but that is a misconception. Competent Oral Surgeons handle these procedures, so there is no need to fear. Besides, Dentists can customize the treatment and you don’t have to worry about pain. So when do dental professionals recommend oral surgery? Read on to learn more.

1. Remove Impacted Teeth

While some people don’t face issues with wisdom teeth, it is common to find others whose third molars get trapped. This situation occurs due to a lack of adequate space in the mouth for the new teeth to erupt fully or misalignments. Leaving the teeth impacted between the gum tissue or jawbone will cause discomfort.

Wisdom teeth also trap food quickly, leading to dental issues like gum disease or tooth decay. The only way to reduce the infection risks and enhance one’s smile is to perform oral surgery to extract the impacted wisdom teeth.

2. Install Dental Implants

One way to replace missing teeth after an accident or infection is to install dental implants. The Oral Surgeon will mount an implant on the jawbone and screw in an artificial tooth or crown on top of the implant to restore the patient’s teeth appearance. The Surgeon will need to cut into the gum tissue and jaw bone to perform this surgery.

3. Graft Bones

If a person wishes to install dental implants, but their bone mass isn’t enough for the procedure, the Oral Surgeon will need to conduct bone grafting first. The process involves taking some bone from another body part and using them to improve bone density in the jaw. Once the bone grafting is successful, dental implant surgery will follow to correct the smile and keep the jawbone aligned.

4. Reconstruct the Jaw

Jaw alignment issues are common among people with teeth grinding or clenching problems, those who experience whiplash-related injuries while young, or those who eat hard food regularly. With an uneven or misaligned jaw, it is easy to have dental issues like gum disease or cavities. Jaw reconstruction can also come in handy after an accident involving impact to the jaw or face.

Surgery is necessary when a Dental Specialist diagnoses a patient with a jaw alignment problem. The procedure involves reconstructing the jaw to improve the patient’s appearance, help them chew, and relieve pain.

5. Root Amputation or Dental Hemisection

If a patient’s tooth root has an infection or there is a significant loss of bone around a tooth, Dental Specialists may recommend root amputation or dental hemisection. In oral amputation, the Surgeon will remove the infected root if the tooth has multiple roots. The Oral Surgeon will use a crown or filling after the procedure to restore the functionality of the tooth and stabilize it. This treatment prevents bone loss if the tooth has a fracture or an infection.

Dental hemisection entails removing half of the injured tooth, and it is only done on molars because they are large and flat. Note that you will need tooth hemisection in case of issues like vertical fractures, root canal therapy failure, vertical bone loss, pulp chamber damage, or bifurcation.

If you are searching for a reliable Oral Surgeon for any of these procedures or consultation for other dental treatments, consider contacting Youth Dental & Vision. Once you book an appointment, our competent Dental Specialists will conduct a detailed assessment and recommend the best oral surgery procedure for the jaw, teeth, or gum problem. Remember, our Surgeons determine the best treatment option depending on your condition.

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