We know that accidents happen, and dental emergencies are no exception. If your child has a dental emergency, don’t panic! Call us immediately on our 24hr emergency appointment line at (303)886-0699. If your son or daughter needs urgent treatment after hours, we are always here to help as your emergency dentist in Denver.

At our office, we specialize in kids’ emergency dental services. We’ll do everything we can to ensure your child is comfortable and well-looked. We understand that a dental emergency can be a stressful experience, so we’ll try to make your child’s visit as smooth and stress-free as possible with same-day appointments. If you are searching for an emergency dentist near me, call us immediately.


What Is a Dental Emergency?

Typically, a dental emergency is any situation that requires immediate dental care to save a tooth or relieve pain. Before you call us, try to assess the situation. Is your child in severe pain? Is there bleeding? Is there a broken tooth? Is it something you can treat first on your own? Once you understand the problem, give us a call, and we’ll be able to help you better.

Urgent vs. Non-urgent

There’s a big difference between urgent and non-urgent dental problems. Urgent problems need to be seen by a dentist immediately to avoid further damage or pain. Non-urgent problems can often wait a few days or weeks before being seen. You can usually tell a dental issue is urgent if there is severe pain, uncontrolled bleeding, or a broken tooth. 

Don’t ignore any pain you are feeling. Your body is sending those signals for a reason. The sooner you get it looked at, the sooner we may be able to save your tooth. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and call us. We’ll be able to help you determine whether or not the problem is urgent and needs to be seen right away.

Common Kids Dental Emergencies

The most common dental emergencies we see in kids are:

  • Knocked-out tooth. When a permanent tooth is completely knocked out of the socket, it’s important to act fast. The sooner you can get to our office, the better the chances are that we’ll be able to save the tooth. Try to find the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the part that’s usually visible in the mouth). Gently rinse the tooth off with water, do not scrub it or remove any tissue attached to it. If you can, place the tooth back in the socket. If that’s not possible, put the tooth in a cup of milk or saline solution and bring it to us.
  • Cut or bite to the tongue or cheek. These injuries usually happen during sports or other activities. If your child has a cut or bite on the tongue, cheek, or lip, gently clean the area with water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 15 minutes or is heavier than a normal cut, call us or go to the emergency room, as the cut may need medical care or a few stitches.
  • Cracked or chipped tooth. If your child has a cracked or chipped tooth, it’s important to seek dental care as soon as possible. Rinse the area with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. You can also use pain medication to help with discomfort. Depending on the severity of the crack, we may be able to repair it. However, if the crack is severe, the tooth may need to be extracted.
  • Abscessed tooth. An abscessed tooth is a serious infection that can damage the tissue around the tooth. If your child has an abscessed tooth, call us as soon as possible to book dental treatment. Symptoms of an abscessed tooth include severe pain, fever, and swelling. If you think your child has an abscessed tooth, try to keep them calm and comfortable. Apply a cold compress to the outside of the face to reduce swelling and give them pain medication if necessary.
  • Severe toothache. A severe toothache is often a sign of an infection. If your child has a painful toothache that lasts longer than two days, it’s best to call us. Infected teeth are caused by bacteria that have entered the tooth through a crack, chip, or cavity, exposing the pulp (the soft tissue in the center of the tooth). If left untreated, an infection can damage the bone around the tooth and lead to further problems.
  • Jaw swelling or pain. If your child has swelling or pain in the jaw, it could be a sign of an infection in the tooth. Give your child pain medication and apply a cold compress to the outside of the face.
  • Object caught in teeth. If you can see the object, try to remove it with floss. Be careful not to push it further into the gum. Also, try a warm salt water rinse to see if that helps. If you still can’t remove the object, call us or make a booking as soon as possible.
  • Lost filling or crown. If your child has a lost filling or crown, it’s important to call us as soon as you can. A lost filling or crown can expose the tooth to bacteria and further damage. In the meantime, you can try to place the filling or crown back on the tooth using dental adhesive or toothpaste.

Help Your Child Avoid Dental Emergencies

The best way to avoid a dental emergency visit is to take preventive measures. They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, especially in dental emergencies.

There are several things you can do to help your child avoid dental emergencies:

Sports Mouthguard

If your child plays any contact sport, it’s essential to have them wear a mouthguard to prevent dental trauma. A mouthguard is a piece of soft material that covers the teeth and gums and acts as a cushion in case of a fall or collision. Mouthguards can help prevent broken teeth, cracked teeth, and other dental injuries.

Avoiding Certain Foods

Certain foods and drinks can increase the risk of dental emergencies. For example, sugary drinks like soda and energy drinks can contribute to tooth decay. Chewy and sticky foods can also cause problems, as they can get stuck in the teeth and lead to toothaches. Hard foods like candy can also crack or break teeth. It’s important to encourage your child to avoid these foods and drinks or at least brush their teeth afterward.

Never Use Teeth to Open Things

One of the most common ways teeth become damaged is by using them to open things, whether a bottle of water or a bag of chips. Using your teeth to open things can lead to chips, cracks, and other damage. If your child is using their teeth to open something, try to get them to stop that habit. Show them how to use a can opener or scissors instead.


Should I Go to The Emergency Room or See an Emergency Dentist?

If your child is experiencing a dental emergency, you may wonder if you should take them to the emergency room or see an emergency dentist. The answer depends on the severity of the emergency. If your child is in severe pain or has a serious infection, play it safe and take them to the emergency room. If you’re unsure if it’s an emergency, call us, and we can help you decide what to do.

Emergency Dental Care For Kids In Denver

If your child is experiencing a dental emergency in Denver or surrounding areas, you can count on the team at Youth Dental and Vision to provide fast and professional care. We understand that dental emergencies can be scary, especially for your child, which is why we do everything we can to make our patients feel comfortable and safe. If you’re in the Denver area and your child is experiencing a dental emergency, call us at 303-886-0699, and our pediatric dentist will be more than happy to help.